Thursday, November 8, 2007

#15 On Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

How amazing it is that all this was going on before my very eyes as I accessed the Web daily; and yet I had no idea of Web 2.0's existence before this e-learning journey of mine began thanks to Public libraries of Victoria-Learning 2.0 Program.

After reading a few of the eOCLC Next Space Newsletter articles a few things came to mind.

1. Yes - it is great to have all these extra resource sharing tools available to us all - whether we are librarians or not. And I certainly agree this can enhance the way public libraries, or in fact, all libraries deliver information services to their patrons.

2. I do believe, therefore, that libraries should embrace Library 2.0.

3. Even though Web 2.0 allows more up-to-the-minute information in some cases, I still think one will never be able to beat a book in the hand! As my eyes trudged through these eOCLC articles, I felt tempted to print them out to make it easier on the eyes. Am I alone? Or are there plenty of others who feel the same way? My guess is that I am not alone and that therefore our library existence is not as threatened as Rick Anderson in his article "Away from the Icebergs" suggests in his opening comments.

4. People can search Google,, Technorati, Flickr, etc. but often they still can't do as good a job at fine-tuning their exact searches in a lot of cases as us library professionals who can combine our searching techniques and knowledge of Web 2.0. Have I just opened a can of worms? Feel free to comment!!!

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

People come to us after they have searched google (and given up) How many times have we heard "but i've already searched google and there's nothing there?
We just have to market ourselves much better so people don't forget we exist...perhaps a better web presence is the answer so the library comes up when a google search is performed
