Monday, November 19, 2007

#23 Summary of my Learning 2.0 Journey

I have had a lot of fun making new discoveries on the internet, it sure is a world wide web! My first highlight was to create a blog - what an achievement and easier done than I would have thought possible! I find it unbelievable that I have created, blogged, pasted, stored, tagged, bloglined, catalogued, flickrd, podcasted, uploaded, downloaded (and nearly anything else ending in ...ed) through this Learning 2.0 journey without needing html knowledge for any of it! I never thought this was possible either! Just how easy have they made it for us all - well dead easy if I can reach the end of it!!!

Or is it really the end? NO, definitely not. This is just the start of a journey of discovery for me. Lifelong learning is what it is all about, and thanks to this training program I have made a step in the right direction. No going backwards from here on in. Thank you to all those behind the scenes that made this learning journey possible for me and all my fellow library colleagues out there in "library land".

Not only has it helped me personally to use the internet to a greater capability than I did before, but I will also be wiser to library patrons who have specific needs where Web 2.0 can be of help.

The reknowned French physiologist, Claude Bernard, once said : "It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning." This is so true! I had thought using the internet on a daily basis that I was familiar with all that went on - well now I know that was not the case! I have learnt so much and aim to continue being a lifelong learner on a web 2.0 or web 3.0 or web 4.0 journey!

Good luck everyone on your journey also.


Webgurl said...

Congratulations, perhaps you'd like to join me in doing Learning 2.1?

Cheers, webgurl

Paul said...

Hi Techie,

Congratulations on finishing - I hope that you have been able to do a victory dance in front of your brother!!!

Cheers, Paul.

Technoliberated said...

In reply to Webgurl, yes I would be interested in Learning 2.1!
And for Paul, that victory dance will have to wait as I bask in the sun at Bateman's Bay!!!

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